Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Guidelines to Help Bishops Evaluate the Validity of Apparitions

The owners of the website state that they have generated a new web page on their site because they were alarmed by the June 28, 2008 message of Our Lady of Emmitsburg in which she warns the world of the possibility of a coming astronomical catastrophe. It is called: "'Our Lady of Emmitsburg' Cult Watch." One of the most recent entries is titled: "Pope declares 'holy war' against people who falsely claim to have seen the Virgin Mary." It is written by Simon Caldwell of the DailyMail.CO.UK.

This highly charged article reports that Pope Benedict XVI will soon publish guidelines to help Bishops evaluate visionaries. If this is true, I think that it is a good development for visionaries such as Dr. Gianna Sullivan. It appears to me that in the past, the members of the Diocese of Baltimore did not conduct a thorough job of evaluating Dr. Sullivan and the alleged messages she has been receiving. This has been said not only by the Sullivans themselves, but also by many of the priests who support her.

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