In my first blog post of 8-18-07 on the subject of the Second Pentecost, I indicated that I was interested in learning more about the “new and divine holiness” which John Haffert mentioned in one of his books. I also wondered if it had some relationship to the Second Pentecost or Second Coming.
Since that time I have done some illuminating research on the internet. I have learned enough to intrigue me, but not enough to end my research on this topic. However, I did learn that Pope John Paul II was one of those who have used the words “new and divine” holiness. In an address the Pope gave on May 16, 1997 to the Rogationist Fathers he said: “The modern means that human sciences and contemporary technology make available and that you rightly try to use in your apostolic work will only be effective if they are sustained and guided by the original charismatic inspiration of the blessed founder, who saw in the ‘Rogate’ the means God himself had provided to bring about that ‘new and divine’ holiness with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to ‘make Christ the heart of the world.’”
I also learned that Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, a theologian, had written a book titled The Splendor of Creation in which he addresses the “coming era of peace.” In reviewing this book, Frank Rega says that it is a “must-have groundbreaking book” that discusses the not-too-distant future, the “coming era of peace known as the Millennium.” He writes that this “figurative thousand-year period” is “definitvely foretold in the twentieth chapter of St. John’s book of Revelation.” He concludes his review by indicating that this book, The Splendor of Creation, is “absolutely essential reading for those who wish to understand the prophecy of the ‘new and divine holiness’ and the ‘new springtime’ spoken of by Pope John Paul II. It will help the reader to stand in the evil day, looking ahead to the victory on the horizon.”